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Shorashim Overview

Shorashim is Temple Beth Shalom's learning program for grades 5-7, which is built on the foundations of our K-4 Mayim and Mayim Tamid Programs. When children at TBS enter 5th grade, they step into a new phase of their Jewish learning. After receiving their B. Mitzvah dates during the winter of 4th grade, their Jewish learning begins to include elements of B. Mitzvah preparation, such as a new focus on Hebrew prayer learning and deepened learning about core Jewish themes. They also begin to form stronger connections with each other, creating a cohort that is preparing for an important life cycle moment together. Shorashim recognizes and honors these years as a distinct period of learning and growth.  



Temple Beth Shalom

670 Highland Avenue

Needham, MA 02494

(781) 444-0077


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