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Hebrew Learning

In 5th and 6th grades (Shorashim), children build on their previous knowledge of decoding by applying this skill to prayers. The small group setting allows for individual attention and instruction as children practice and gain proficiency in chanting and eventually leading these prayers. Over these two years, children learn prayers that are part of central liturgy in any Jewish service, as well as prayers that are specific to B. Mitzvah preparation, ensuring that their learning will serve them in this lifecycle moment and beyond into their life as Jewish adults. 


Leading up to B. Mitzvah preparation, all 7th graders are placed in 1:1 Hebrew sessions. These sessions focus on developing leadership and confidence with the prayers and as they transition to learning and chanting Torah text. While children continue to attend Shorashim, they wrap up their dedicated Hebrew learning in conjunction with their B. Mitzvah. 


Temple Beth Shalom

670 Highland Avenue

Needham, MA 02494

(781) 444-0077


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