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B. Mitzvah Journey Program


The journey toward becoming B. Mitzvah* is one of the most special times in the life of a

Jewish child and their family.  At its heart, becoming B. Mitzvah is about discovering in

oneself the ability to lead, to teach, and to make the world better. It is about seeing the

Torah in a new light, discovering a new connection to being Jewish and being part of the

Jewish community. It is about stepping into a time of greater independence, asking new

and deeper questions about what it means to be kind, compassionate, and responsible,

as well as questions about spirituality and being Jewish. It is also about being seen and

embraced by family, friends, and the larger community as a leader, a teacher, and one

who works to improve the world.  It is about developing confidence and pride. It is about

recognizing this same growth in your friends and peers and learning to appreciate their

strengths. It is about learning how to celebrate and how to be gracious, both as a host and

as a guest. It is about parents passing Torah from one generation to the next, and all that

this represents. It is about joy, celebration, and love. 


Jewish tradition has long understood that this stage in life – when our children begin their teen years – is a time of important change and growth. While not quite becoming “adults,” our children are beginning “young adulthood.” Every element of becoming B. Mitzvah is intended to help us make this vision come to life: Our children help to lead our service and chant verses of Torah. They study their Torah portion in English and prepare a personal D’var Torah, a thoughtful teaching, that they share. They spend time engaged in a meaningful Mitzvah Project. They celebrate with family and friends.


We love working with all of our B. Mitzvah kids and their families, and we work closely with every family to make this milestone celebration accessible to every child. Our kids work with all of our rabbis, their tutors, and their teachers to prepare for a truly special day. 


If you have any questions about the journey towards becoming B. Mitzvah at TBS, please feel free to contact Sarah Damelin, the Director of the B. Mitzvah Journey Program (

*A word about “B. Mitzvah”: We have adopted as a title to our program, the TBS B. Mitzvah Journey Program. Here, the “B” may stand for whatever word for ‘child’ will be most meaningful for a family.  In recent years, some families have sought more inclusive language to reflect the gender identity of their child/children who are questioning or are currently fluid in their gender identification. Families may choose to have their children become Bar Mitzvah, meaning “son of the commandments,” Bat Mitzvah, meaning, “daughter of the commandments,” B’nei Mitzvah or B’not Mitzvah,” both meaning “children of the commandments,” or if they wish to keep the language more open, a child may become “B’Mitzvah” - a non-gendered title that may be translated simply as “child of the commandments.” We work with each family to determine the most meaningful language for your family. 


Temple Beth Shalom

670 Highland Avenue

Needham, MA 02494

(781) 444-0077


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